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Overview: what we offer as a charity...

Matt at KLA (2024)

As an educational charity we offer a huge amount of enthusiasm and determination to help inspire young people at secondary schools and colleges in Norfolk. Below is a overview of what schools and colleges, who follow our Membership Programme for Schools, can receive from our charity. For further information, please click here to download an information booklet. Please note that from September 2025, schools and colleges will be required to pay a small monthly subscription to join our Membership Programme which can be renewed or cancelled at the beginning of an academic year. All funds generated from the Membership Programme will go directly to sustaining our charitable work for the future.

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What do we offer to schools and colleges who follow our Membership Programme?

Please follow links, where provided, to find out more information about specific aspects of what we offer 

On the ground support throughout the school year

  • Routine physical support with leading and supporting sessions at school allotments

  • Routine physical support with project maintenance (i.e. school holiday support)

  • Emergency support should a school allotment encounter difficulties

  • Promotional support (e.g. assemblies and guided tours for Year 6 intake)

  • Recruitment and management of local volunteers

Access to additional enrichment

  • Whole year group impact days

  • 'Noticing Nature' (nature mindfulness) sessions

  • SALT (training) courses for teachers and teaching assistants

  • Access to our supportive network 'The Butterfly Effect'  that enables schools to connect and cooperate with each other

  • 'Cocoon Boxes' and 'Butterfly Boosts' to help get the growing season started and underway

  • Support with key resources (e.g. manure, straw, reclaimed wood and other materials than can be upcycled)

  • Access to our 'Tool Bank' (repaired and restored second-hand gardening tools for schools) 

  • Annual 'Young Environmental Stewardship' (YES) awards and certification to celebrate young people

We Can and Will Change the World